Muhammad Hamza
Company Drinks community hub in Barking Park hosted the local Eco Champion, Musa Ali, (aka Active Musa on social media) to launch a new eco and recycling initiative for young people concerned about their environment.
Active Musa, also an Eco Champion at Manor Junior School have a talk and delivered a workshop on how to become an Eco Warrior, protecting the environment and offer tips for healthy initiatives.
Participants all received an Eco Warrior badge to champion their ongoing efforts.
He said “protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility and this is the only planet we have. Always be mindful of what you do and understand the impact of your actions!”
Musa had a number if young people and adults, and working with them he listed ten things to do to protect the environment:
1. Walk or ride a bicycle to school;
2. Don’t use plastic carrier bags/bottles, use reusable bags/bottles;
3. Collect litter whenever and wherever you see it;
4. Grow your own vegetables;
5. Recycle your waste;
6. Switch off lights when not in use;
7. Spend less time on screens- TV, laptops, iPads;
8. Collect and recycle water eg. Wudu (ablution) water used for gardening;
9. Plant trees and flowers to increase biodiversity;
10. Have shorter showers.
The group rounded off a great activity by taking part in a group litter pick organised by Emdad Rahman, MBE from the Little Litter League.
“Young people are keen and passionate about making the world a better place for everyone,” said Emdad.
“Young people are cheery, animated, miffed and sprightly when it comes to littering. Nonetheless, every act to protect the environment, no matter how small, makes a huge difference.” added Emdad.
The group filled several rubbish bags during their litter picking activity.